How to Impress Everyone at Your Next Big Presentation

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In This Episode...
In today's interview you’ll learn some tips you can start using today to make a big impression at your next board or audit committee meeting presentation. We'll talk about everything from how to grab attention, connect with your audience, share useful information, and most importantly, what to leave out of your presentation.
If you're a complete beginner to presenting, consider this a 101 level crash course. If you're an old pro, I guarantee you'll get at least one helpful tip or reminder that will up your presentation game. All in this episode of Abacus. Let’s Go!
People communicate differently. And if you want to be successful it's your job to modify how you deliver the information, not their job to modify how they receive it.Abacus: Season 2, Episode 4
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Featured Guest: Geni Whitehouse, CPA
Author, Speaker, Blogger

Geni writes at Even A Nerd Can Be Heard, and she's the author of "How to Make a Boring Subject Interesting." After reading her book, I knew you'd want to hear from her.
In today's interview Geni shares a few tips you can start using today to make a big impression at your next big presentation. We'll talk about everything from how to grab attention, connect with your audience, share useful information, and most importantly, what to leave out of your presentation.
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Links + Show Notes
- Even A Nerd
- Get Geni's book (Amazon affiliate link)
- Mentioned: Save the Cat book (Amazon affiliate link)
- More accounting podcast episodes
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