Technology Changes In the Accounting Industry

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Featured Guest: Jody Padar
Author, speaker, and CEO of New Vision CPA Group

Think your job is safe from technology changes? Think again.
Jody Padar runs New Vision CPA Group. She's also the author of The Radical CPA. And today she was kind enough to share where she sees the accounting profession heading.
Don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. In fact, changes in technology should allow accountants to provide more value, and regain some much needed work/life balance. But only if you're ready and willing to get on board with the changes already taking place.
Follow Jody on Twitter (@JodyPadarCPA)
New Vision CPA Group
In This Episode...
Think your job is safe from technology changes? Author, speaker, and small firm CEO Jody Padar shares her vision of the radical ways technology will change the accounting profession. Learn how you can stand out and thrive in times of technology change, and how to avoid becoming obsolete. All in this episode of Abacus. Let’s go!
Links + Show Notes
- Jody Padar at New Vision CPA
- The Radical CPA (Click here to get the first chapter free)
- Block ads online with uBlock Origin browser add-on for Chrome or Firefox (And use it to block Facebook "Trending")
- What will the accounting firm of the future look like?
You don't want to get stuck in a firm that isn't changing.Abacus: Season 1, Episode 3
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